Robot-based measurement and visualisation of an airborne sound wave and its reflections. Picture: Ralph Bärtschi, architecture and digital fabrication, Gramazio & Kohler, ETH Zurich.
Research / Developement / Teaching
Research, developement and teaching in the fields of architecture and acoustics and sound aesthetics
Development of room and electroacoustic projects in the fields of new media, sound arts and sound design
Jürgen Strauss completed his training to become a physics laboratory technician at Landis & Gyr / Zug. He specialises within the electroacoustic field on the development and production of loudspeakers and public address systems for studios, concert halls, churches, museums and cinemas. Through the combination of electro and room acoustics, his sphere of activities expanded into architecture and sound engineering. Alongside his interests in systematic acoustics, he also investigates issues involving scientific, technology and art history.
You will find information on the research and teaching projects of Jürgen Strauss at http://www.strauss-elektroakustik.com.